Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is your favorite thing about being married?



  1. This is a loaded question...I could have so much fun being witty and sarcastic. But in all reality, I'd have to say that my favorite part of being married is very simple: My husband is the only family member I'll ever choose. Easy as that. Spiritually, my beliefs run deep, in that we really are one person as God intended. On a macro level, my husband is the other half of me. On a micro level (and a fun one) it's amazing that for the rest of our lives, we are each other's heartbeats.

    And really, seeing my boys run into daddy's arms? Very Hallmark, yes. But so, so real.

  2. I LOVE having a best friend there all the time! We talk, laugh, and cry together. I know he is there for me what ever may come our way! Being married is awesome! =)

  3. My favorite thing about being married is knowing that he is always there for me!

  4. I am a dork...but I love knowing that no matter what, he is on my side. He loves me. No matter what I say or what I wear or how bad I burn dinner or how much I loathe cleaning...he still loves me.

    I love knowing that he loves me...just how I am.

  5. My favorite thing about being married is that I always have someone in my corner! No matter what, I can count on him to come through for me and our son!

  6. I love that my hubby is my parnter, supporter, cheerleader and that he loves me unconditionally. I love having someone by my side, and someone to share all the fun things in life with, as well has having someone to share all the bad things with (cause no one likes the tuff times alone). =)

  7. One of the best things in life is knowing that my husband is truly the one for me and is always there for and with me.

  8. The best part of being married is that I have someone to share my life with -- my hopes, dreams, failures, good and the bad.


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